PGEN 1.5.1 - A Genesis/Mega Drive emulator for PS2

Here is a new version/fix for the great PGEN emulator.

This version fixes the ABCD instruction for the CPU68K processor, so games like Streets of Rage, Phantasy Star III and many others don't get the score messed up!

You can download the binary file here!

You can download the complete source code here!


18th March, 2007: v1.5.1 - Changes include:

Now using older ps2hdd related IRX modules instead of latest
PS2SDK ones because console wasn't turning off!
Fixed minor credits screen scroll bug.

10th Janurary, 2007: v1.5 - Changes include:

CPU68K ABCD instruction fix by bootsector (thanks Barry)
Added gslib 0.51 library files
Changed background image (thanks to luckess ;)

28th July, 2006: v1.4 - Changes include:

Updated to recent ps2sdk
Added usb mass storage support

Have fun! ;)

Bruno (bootsector)