
AVIFRate Java Edition's latest version is 1.0.1!

You can grab the binary code by cliking here

And you can grab the Java source code by cliking here

Here goes a transcript from the readme.txt file:

AVIFRate Java Edition v1.0 by Sparrow
Based on avifrate v1.10 by Blight
Copyright(C) 09/2004 - Sparrow

What does this program do?

This program allows you to correct the video's frame rate by modifying its
header information. It can be very useful when, after you encode some DivX
movie and, at its end, you find out that the sound is unsync'd from the video.

With this program you can fine tune the video's frame rate until you get a
perfect synchronization between audio and video!

How do I run this program?

You need the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed in your system before
trying to execute this piece of code. You can get the latest JRE from Sun's
website at http://java.sun.com/

After you have an installed JRE you can execute this program by typing the

java -jar avifrate.jar

If the .JAR files are already associated with the JRE you can execute the
program by simply double-clicking on it! :-)

Why you (re)made this program using Java ?

1. I love Java Programming!
2. I found this program very useful to me, and,
3. I programmed it using Java because most of operating system have Java
support, so most of the people will be able to run this software and
get their sound-sync problems finished! :-) (You actually can run this
software under Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Mac OS X and others!)

Are the sources available?

Sure! The same way Blight turned his Delphi Sources available, I am turning
my Java Sources available too!

You can find the latest sources by visiting http://sparrow.webhop.net/

If you have any question about this program, or you want to report, give
some suggestion or simply say "Hello", send me an email at bruno@brunofreitas.com

That's all folks!!!

Sparrow (aka Bruno Freitas)